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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Summary (12 Dec 2015)

Madera Tribune (CA) - December 12, 2015 [Newsbank]
Keith Richard Gardini passed away on Monday, December 7, 2015, at the age of 56. He was a native and lifelong resident of Madera, born to Richard and Margaret Gardini on November 16, 1959.  ...  survived by ...  siblings ... Janet Scroggins [54265:M] and her husband Rick [54264:M] of Oakhurst; his two nephews, Cole [54266:M] and Emily [54267:M, fb] Scroggins and their children, Lillian [54268:M] and Bryce [54269:M], and Jake [54262:M]  and Myra [53674:M, fb] Scroggins and their son Liam [54263:M] ...

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