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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Summary (Google News & Blogs)

`Spag' can happen to anyone
Toronto Star,  Canada
The book, Emma's War, by Deborah Scroggins, actually tells the story of a woman who married a military leader. Military readers (I use the term loosely) are ...

Tulare's First Lutheran Church plans to offer its annual pet ...
Visalia Times-Delta, CA
The Tulare City Council heard a presentation by COS President and superintendent Bill Scroggins during its regularly scheduled meeting. ...

First Art Show - Steve Scroggins
by admin  
Today is our first art show featuring the works of Steve Scroggins. The walls are full of art, live music is playing, and coffee is brewing. Steve is up on the balcony doing live art with the help of a few kids. Come on down!
Calypsos Coffee -

Polling by machine 
by cwaddell  
Kate Scroggins. Ekos Research Associates is testing automated phone technology for conducting opinion polls but other Canadian companies aren’t ready to jump on board. Read the details in this week’s Capital News. ...
Campaign Perspectives 2008 -

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