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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Summary (Google News & Blogs)

Biltmore Hotel Coral Gables Florida 
by somalley  
All off-the-shelf drive was Biltmore Hotel Coral Gables Florida of a eyeballs between Dimmerling Consultants Inc. and Scroggins & Wade, Ltd.. Dimmerling Consultants Inc. came from Louisville with intending to the engineer to two-tier ...
so'malley -

Club news'n'notes
Division B -- Gross - Diane Eldredge 177; Glenda Scroggins 180; June Curtis 186. Net - Norma Bowen 129; Sheryl Rick 137; Pat Matteri 138.Senior Champion - Jackie Inglis. Club Champion - Laurel Williams.Two Net Balls out of Four was the ...
Idaho Press-Tribune RSS Feed - 

On the record 8/31
Lufkin Daily News, The (TX) - August 30, 2008
Marriage licenses filed in the Angelina County county clerk's office:. . . Samuel Johnson, 29, and Sarah Scroggins , 38.  . . .

Don Owen Center In Conway Prepares For Evacuees
Today's THV - Little Rock,AR,USA
"Arkansans have always been people who want to help in a time of need," said Faulkner County Judge Preston Scroggin. "A lot of these people have just ...

 Veterans in Politics Talk Show Introduces Linda Young, A Debate ...
By stevewsanson
Brian Scroggins, and Steve Sisolak LIVE on September 6: Linda E. Young candidate for Clark County School Trustee, District C: A Debate for Clark County Commission District A Brian Scroggins (Republican) and Steve ...
Review-Journal eForum - Local News -

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